DSCN0047 Dscn0009 book2 Book1 Dscn0799
Nudibranch in Reefball In May 2005, there were 300 artificial reefs, which known as reefball, deployed in lagoon of Pulau Layang Layang Malaysia. Reefball was made from the mixture of granite stone and concrete, with dimension of 1.31m height and 1.68m width. Reef Ball’s objective is staying solvent and enhancing the overall marine environment. Monitoring of reefball was conducted on 12th-17th June 2007. The objective of this survey is to observed the present of nudibranch in reefball, Pulau Layang Layang Malaysia. Currently, there are 300 units of reefball inside the lagoon of Pulau Layang Layang, 200 units located at latitude of 7° 22’ 38.3”N and longitude 113° 49’ 3.43”E. The other 100 units was located at latitude 7° 22’ 38.4”N and longitude 113° 49’ 4.30”E. For preservation and fixing method, the specimens should be relaxed to retain, more or less, their original body shape. The simplest...